



Currently under development TheStampStockBook.com is an exciting new website packed full of features for anyone with an interest in any area of Philately. Whether you a new collector, an experienced specialist collector, Investor or Dealer TheStampStockBook.com is the site for you.



Create an account for FREE and start buying from our global network of sellers. All listings are fixed price so you only pay the advertised price for the item + any postage cost etc which you can pre-arrange with the seller prior to purchase.



Become a part of the global network of sellers on TheStampStockBook.com and reach millions of potential buyers worldwide. As a seller you will be able to create your online store and list your items FREE of charge. All listing are fixed price so no nasty surprises as with auction listings. Fees as low as 2% will apply - only once your item has sold.


Store Features

1/ Quick and simple listing via our own easy to navigate catalogue headings

2/ Upload your own scans/photos or use our stock images

3/ Set your own store settings such as Terms & Conditions, Minimum order amount, who and where in the world you are willing to sell to, currency plus many more features.


My Wanted List

If an item you’re searching for is not available within any of our fixed price listings you can add it to your ‘My Wanted List’ – You can then choose to be notified by email if the item becomes available from one of our sellers



My Stock Book (Log your collection online FREE for first 12 months then just £1 per month thereafter)

Keep an online digital record of your entire collection. Simply log on to your TheStampStockBook.com account and view, add to or edit your collection from any PC, Laptop, Tablet or Smart Phone anywhere, any time. Upload your own images or use our catalogue images. This is a FREE service available to all registered TheStampStockBook.com account holders.


Our Catalogue

We aim to create a comprehensive catalogue of all of the world’s stamps. This will aid both buyers to easily find what they are looking for and sellers to easily list. This as I’m sure you are aware it’s going to be a huge task that will take quite some time – If you can’t find a specific stamp within our catalogue fill out the simple ‘submit for catalogue entry’ form and we will check the details and include it within our catalogue.


Buyer & Seller Feedback

After each completed transaction you will be able to leave feedback about your experience. As your positive feedback left by others grows both buyers and sellers will know that they are able to trust you.



Be part of our online forum which is available to all account holders. Discussions on every topic from starting a collection to plate identification.


Links to Club & Societies

We aim to build the most comprehensive list of Philately Societies in the world. Simply click on the country to view the list of societies. If you would like your society listed please fill out our questionnaire and add the details on the comments section.





If you have any thoughts and ideas or would like to contribute to the site content please feel free to contact us. Your help will be greatly recieved.

